"Short & Sweet" Wedding Officiant Ceremony:
The "Short & Sweet" Wedding ceremony is a perfect choice for those who want something simple, fast, pre-written - yet meaningful. This wedding ceremony is for the bride and groom only, is available in English, Spanish or both, and is approximately 15-30 Minutes or less length
+The "Custom & Unique" Wedding Ceremony:
Our full-service, "Custom & Unique" wedding ceremony is for couples who desire to celebrate their wedding ceremony with their family and friends. This ceremony can include as many or as little of the cultural, religious, and family traditions and customs as you so desire.. This ceremony can be as long or as short as you like.
Custom and unique wedding ceremony:
Initial Pre-Marital consulting, informal meeting to get acquainted with bride and groom (in person or via video conference or email), development of a customized wedding ceremony (Your wedding ceremony can be as simple or as creative as you like, - short or long it’s up to you - plus it can be bilingual; Spanish & English, your ceremony can also include as many of the cultural, traditional, religious, and family customs as you prefer) vow writing assistance,
order of service planning,
wedding ceremony,
optional rehearsal preparation
travel to the wedding venue of your choice, (anywhere in Southern California *+there will be a travel charge)..
support throughout all preparations, officiating of the wedding ceremony, signing of your marriage license, filing of your marriage license, free phone & email support before & after the wedding, encouragement, support & a friendly smile
If you have any questions or concerns or would like to begin making arrangements, please contact me by phone or email. It will be my pleasure to speak with you.
Grief Counseling provided to the Family of the Deceased. Officiating of Service and Grave site.
-Phone consultation with the family, quickly followed by a visit to them at home.
-Phone consultation with each of the other people involved in the service (other minister, instrumentalist, vocalist, family members sharing tributes, etc.)
-Time spent reviewing notes from family visit and crafting an appropriate memorial, as well as preparation of a message from Scripture.
Veteran Service Officiating
*Package included as mentioned above*
Funeral Services for Pets
*Package included as Mentioned in Above*
The "Short & Sweet" Wedding ceremony is a perfect choice for those who want something simple, fast, pre-written - yet meaningful. This wedding ceremony is for the bride and groom only, is available in English, Spanish or both, and is approximately 15-30 Minutes or less length
+The "Custom & Unique" Wedding Ceremony:
Our full-service, "Custom & Unique" wedding ceremony is for couples who desire to celebrate their wedding ceremony with their family and friends. This ceremony can include as many or as little of the cultural, religious, and family traditions and customs as you so desire.. This ceremony can be as long or as short as you like.
Custom and unique wedding ceremony:
Initial Pre-Marital consulting, informal meeting to get acquainted with bride and groom (in person or via video conference or email), development of a customized wedding ceremony (Your wedding ceremony can be as simple or as creative as you like, - short or long it’s up to you - plus it can be bilingual; Spanish & English, your ceremony can also include as many of the cultural, traditional, religious, and family customs as you prefer) vow writing assistance,
order of service planning,
wedding ceremony,
optional rehearsal preparation
travel to the wedding venue of your choice, (anywhere in Southern California *+there will be a travel charge)..
support throughout all preparations, officiating of the wedding ceremony, signing of your marriage license, filing of your marriage license, free phone & email support before & after the wedding, encouragement, support & a friendly smile
If you have any questions or concerns or would like to begin making arrangements, please contact me by phone or email. It will be my pleasure to speak with you.
- Funeral Officiant
Grief Counseling provided to the Family of the Deceased. Officiating of Service and Grave site.
-Phone consultation with the family, quickly followed by a visit to them at home.
-Phone consultation with each of the other people involved in the service (other minister, instrumentalist, vocalist, family members sharing tributes, etc.)
-Time spent reviewing notes from family visit and crafting an appropriate memorial, as well as preparation of a message from Scripture.
Veteran Service Officiating
*Package included as mentioned above*
Funeral Services for Pets
*Package included as Mentioned in Above*
VIirtual and In Person Communion
What is necessary to receive Holy Communion worthily? To receive Holy Communion worthily it is necessary to be free from mortal sin, to have a right intention, and to obey the Church's laws on the fast required before Holy Communion out of reverence for the body and blood of Our Divine Lord.Can you take
Can have I communion by yourself at home?
Communion is for those who have made the decision to accept Jesus as the forgiver of their sins and the leader of their lives. We would like to invite you to take communion in your home—by yourself or with your family!
How can I do Holy Communion at home?
Instructions to Prepare for Holy Communion
As you give a piece of bread to each family member say the words, “The Body of Christ given for you,” and then they can dip into the wine/grape juice as you say the words, “The Blood of Christ shed for you.”
Online Services are Done on Zoom which is HIPPA Compliant
**You can have as Many Participants as you Like just Let Us Know before the Day of this Service.
If you Do not have the Holy sacraments, Then Below Are List Of what you need to Have ..
Online communion is always a “live” event. ...
Participants should have bread or crackers available and grape juice, if possible.
Liturgy should be sent via email, traditional mail, or text to people ahead of time so they can follow along and still have the visual connection.
Communion: in person communion IS A By Appointment only and with this in person service you get the following : Spoken word , and you will receive holy sacraments except also with Bible holy sacraments can also be done on a regular basis it can also be done on a one-time basis just make sure that you speak to Pastor servonte before booking the service
What is necessary to receive Holy Communion worthily? To receive Holy Communion worthily it is necessary to be free from mortal sin, to have a right intention, and to obey the Church's laws on the fast required before Holy Communion out of reverence for the body and blood of Our Divine Lord.Can you take
Can have I communion by yourself at home?
Communion is for those who have made the decision to accept Jesus as the forgiver of their sins and the leader of their lives. We would like to invite you to take communion in your home—by yourself or with your family!
How can I do Holy Communion at home?
Instructions to Prepare for Holy Communion
As you give a piece of bread to each family member say the words, “The Body of Christ given for you,” and then they can dip into the wine/grape juice as you say the words, “The Blood of Christ shed for you.”
Online Services are Done on Zoom which is HIPPA Compliant
**You can have as Many Participants as you Like just Let Us Know before the Day of this Service.
If you Do not have the Holy sacraments, Then Below Are List Of what you need to Have ..
Online communion is always a “live” event. ...
Participants should have bread or crackers available and grape juice, if possible.
Liturgy should be sent via email, traditional mail, or text to people ahead of time so they can follow along and still have the visual connection.
Communion: in person communion IS A By Appointment only and with this in person service you get the following : Spoken word , and you will receive holy sacraments except also with Bible holy sacraments can also be done on a regular basis it can also be done on a one-time basis just make sure that you speak to Pastor servonte before booking the service
Baby Baptisms / Christenings
The ceremony of christening the infant child is a beautiful and touching thing. This is where the soul is cleansed from original sin. Where the fresh body is initiated completely into the loving relationship of God.
Pastor Servonte Ephriam is happy to offer this service in the church of his Holy fellowship. The Baby Baptism is the child’s first awakening, the first taste of true religion. Book a consultation today.
The ceremony of christening the infant child is a beautiful and touching thing. This is where the soul is cleansed from original sin. Where the fresh body is initiated completely into the loving relationship of God.
Pastor Servonte Ephriam is happy to offer this service in the church of his Holy fellowship. The Baby Baptism is the child’s first awakening, the first taste of true religion. Book a consultation today.
Candlelight Service
One thing we know for certain is that God lives in community. Each person who walks through our door is a complicated and important individual, no matter where they are, or where they’ve been. The ceremony of light is a solemn service that invites the evocation of the spirit. Together, we listen to His kindness, we become open to His words, and we find quietly the beauty of His music.
As a dedicated member of the church Pastor Servonte is conducting Candlelight Services for those facing great struggles. Those who are suffering loss, suffering grief, or suffering abuse will find this service to be a deeply rewarding process in struggle, giving relief to the troubled mind. This service is available now, with the option to record or live stream the process remotely.
One thing we know for certain is that God lives in community. Each person who walks through our door is a complicated and important individual, no matter where they are, or where they’ve been. The ceremony of light is a solemn service that invites the evocation of the spirit. Together, we listen to His kindness, we become open to His words, and we find quietly the beauty of His music.
As a dedicated member of the church Pastor Servonte is conducting Candlelight Services for those facing great struggles. Those who are suffering loss, suffering grief, or suffering abuse will find this service to be a deeply rewarding process in struggle, giving relief to the troubled mind. This service is available now, with the option to record or live stream the process remotely.
Burning Bowl Ceremony
The beautiful thing about each day is that we get to start anew. Every morning the difficulties of the past fall away into the sea, but as we know, the one of problems with being human is that some things just linger on for far too long. We need to remember that God forgives us.
The Burning Bowl Ceremony utilizes the symbolism of fire to change our hearts in a meaningful way. This is a solemn service. It is meant to cleanse away issues of the past and struggles with self-doubt, self-negativity, and shame. Once the fire burns you will find that everything holding you back is gone. Forgive yourself, because God already has.
The power bestowed in this ceremony flows through our good pastor and into the spirit of all those in attendance. It is suggested to individuals or families, available by appointment in person or through live stream. We now offer the option to record the Burning Bowl Ceremony to keep in your records and revisit freely. For more details please feel free to contact us by email or telephone.
The beautiful thing about each day is that we get to start anew. Every morning the difficulties of the past fall away into the sea, but as we know, the one of problems with being human is that some things just linger on for far too long. We need to remember that God forgives us.
The Burning Bowl Ceremony utilizes the symbolism of fire to change our hearts in a meaningful way. This is a solemn service. It is meant to cleanse away issues of the past and struggles with self-doubt, self-negativity, and shame. Once the fire burns you will find that everything holding you back is gone. Forgive yourself, because God already has.
The power bestowed in this ceremony flows through our good pastor and into the spirit of all those in attendance. It is suggested to individuals or families, available by appointment in person or through live stream. We now offer the option to record the Burning Bowl Ceremony to keep in your records and revisit freely. For more details please feel free to contact us by email or telephone.
Counselling Services
Relationship Workshop
Want to save, understand, or improve your relationships,in work and home? this dynamic workshop (relationship workshop) will provide you with what you need. Finally, a workshop that will help you with your relationship and provide "realistic expectations and understand,
(includes: 4 (couple) sessions, 2 full assessments, 27-page personalized EQi assessment that includes 133 questions on 16 areas of your emotional well-being that will assist you in understanding and managing your anger within your relationship and will enhance your personal development and improve your relationships at work and home.
- Individual Counseling
- Certified Domestic Violence Classes
- Anger Management
- Parenting Classes
- Family Counseling
- Couples Counseling
- Life Skills
- Drug Education
- And other services
- Weekly Group Sessions Offered
- +Materials Are Provided+
Individuals/Couples/Trans formative Emotional Release Work 60 minute session, or save with a bundles which are available
- Counseling / Coaching For:
- Marriage
- Newlywed
- Premarital
- Relationship Repair
- Dating
- Family
- Family / Marital
- Parenting
- Blended Family
- Codependency
- Emotional Dependency
- 1-on-1 Relationship
- Couple
- Group (for couples, family, for women or men groups, etc.)
- Parenting Classes
- Retreats (Couple retreats, family retreats, etc.)
- Relationship Workshops
- Relationship Seminars
- Girls / Boys Night Out
- Couples Night Out
- Siblings Night Out
- Relationship Courses
- Family Night Out
Package: One
- Self - Esteem Booster
- Coaching 2 Sessions
Package: Two
- Relationship Coaching: Single Or Married Conducted by A Husband And Wife Team *FROM BOTH SIDES* Faith Based or Non Faith Based Methods
- Man And Woman Or *Man Only*Or* Woman Only
Package: Three
- Divorce "Life after divorce
- Learn To Let Go.** ITS TIME TO LIVE"*
Method 4 Sessions 1 hour
Road Rage Curriculum in this Curriculum
- Students will also learn:
- Techniques to using safe Driving tips
- Be aware of other Motorist and Surroundings
- Be aware or Triggers
Definition. honestly, There is no national definition for the term "road rage". However, it is commonly defined as a societal condition where motorists lose their temper in reaction to a traffic disturbance. In most cases, the traffic situations encountered are typical of today's normal driving conditions and higher traffic volumes.
"Aggressive driving" refers to an angry motorist attempting to intentionally injure or kill another driver because of a traffic dispute. Aggressive drivers react negatively and uses their vehicles to retaliate by making sudden, threatening maneuvers. This makes "road rage" a serious issue of traffic safety - the safety of yourself and others.
°Cause. Experts say aggressive driving behaviors are triggered by a variety of stimuli. Some are provoked by the actions of another driver; others are set off by roadway congestion. But, most are caused by the drivers' own moods and reactions when they get behind the wheel.
°Aggressive Driver Profile. Persons who exhibit aggressive behaviors cross all age, race, socioeconomic and gender lines. Even persons who are usually "mild-mannered" can blow their top behind the wheel. These persons may only become mad when they're on the road. However, persons who are characteristically cynics, rude, angry or aggressive are prone to get angry more often. Those persons are "raging" at home, at work and on the road
Common Motorist Irritants:
Tailgating to pressure a driver to go faster or get out of the way.
Flashing lights in order to signal persons to move to another lane.
Obscene gesturing.
Changing lanes without signaling.
Blasting the horn.
Frequently changing lanes by weaving back and forth.
Racing to beat a yellow light that's about to turn red.
Traveling in the passing or left lane at a slower speed, making it impossible for others to pass.
Driving with the high beams on behind another vehicle or toward oncoming traffic.
Avoid behaviors that antagonize or irritate others.
Learn to control your temper and keep your cool in traffic.
Use your horn sparingly.
Keep the music in your vehicle at a level that doesn't annoy others.
If you are feeling frustrated - create a distraction such as turning on the radio, start a conversation with a passenger, play 20 questions, or talk yourself through the situation to calm down.
Be tolerant of those who exhibit non-conforming traffic behaviors.
- Art Therapy
Draw or paint your emotions. In this exercise, you’ll focus entirely on painting what you’re feeling.
Create an emotion wheel. Using color, this activity will have you thinking critically about your emotions.
Make a stress painting. Choose colors that represent your stress and jab, scribble and paint your problems away.
Put together a journal. Journals don’t have to just be based around words. You can make an art journal as well, that lets you visually express your emotions.
Make sock puppets. Sock puppets aren’t just for kids. Make your own and have them act out scenes that make you upset.
Use line art. Line is one of the simplest and most basic aspects of art, but it can also contain a lot of emotion. Use simple line art to demonstrate visually how you’re feeling.
Design a postcard you will never send. Are you still angry or upset with someone in your life? Create a postcard that expresses this, though you don’t have to ever send it.
Create a sculpture of your anger. For this activity, you’ll make a physical manifestation of the anger in your life.
Paint a mountain and a valley. The mountain can represent a time where you were happy, the valley, when you were sad. Add elements that reflect specific events as well.
Attach a drawing or message to a balloon. Send away negative emotions or spread positive ones by attaching a note or drawing to a balloon and setting it free.
Paint inside a heart. Using a heart as a pattern, fill in different parts of the heart with the emotions you’re feeling right now.
Art Therapy can be a great way to relax. Consider this ,if you’re looking to feel a little Anxiety i recommend my you to stop a say a short prayer wither it be for people who want healing whither it is for addiction, chronic pain, sleep problems, health problems, racing thoughts, managing critical self and more. For free audio’s to help heal the mind, body and spirit.
Paint to music. Letting your creativity flow in response to music is a great way to let out feelings and just relax.
Make a scribble drawing. With this activity, you’ll turn a simple scribble into something beautiful, using line, color and your creativity.
Finger paint. Finger painting isn’t just fun for kids– adults can enjoy it as well. Get your hands messy and really have fun spreading paint around.
Make a mandala. Whether you use the traditional sand or draw one on your own, this meditative symbol can easily help you to loosen up.
Draw in the dark. Not being able to judge what you’re drawing or having to worry about whether or not it’s “right” can be very liberating.
Draw something HUGE. Then something very small. Getting your body involved and moving around can help release stress as you’re drawing.
Use color blocks. Colors often come with a lot of emotions attached. Choose several paint chips to work with and collage, paint and glue until you’ve created a colorful masterpiece.
Let yourself be free. Don’t allow yourself to judge your work. After all, there’s no way to fail and no right way to make art. Just draw, paint or sculpt until your heart’s content.
Only use colors that calm you. Create a drawing or a painting using only colors that you find calming.
Draw in sand. Like a Zen garden, this activity will have you drawing shapes and scenes in the sand, which can be immensely relaxing and a great way to clear your mind.
Make a zentangle. These fun little drawings are a great tool for letting go and helping reduce stress.
Color in a design. Sometimes, the simple act of coloring can be a great way to relax. Find a coloring book or use this mandala for coloring.
Draw outside. Working en plan air can be a fun way to relax and get in touch with nature while you’re working on art.
Art can not only help you deal with the bad stuff, but also help you appreciate and focus on the good. Check out these activities all about reflecting on your personal happiness.
Draw your vision of a perfect day. Think about what constitutes a perfect day to you and draw or paint it. What about this drawing can you make happen today?
Take photographs of things you think are beautiful. No one else has to like them but you. Print and frame them to have constant reminders of the beautiful things in life.
Make a drawing related to a quote you like. Take the words of wisdom from someone else and turn them into something visually inspiring.
Create a drawing that represents freedom. This activity has you think about the concept of freedom and what it means to you, creating a work of art that showcases just what it means to you as an individual.
Document a spiritual experience. Have you ever had a spiritual experience in your life? Draw or paint what it felt like.
Make a stuffed animal. Soft, cuddly objects can be very comforting. Use this project to create an animal that means something to you.
Work on a softness project. Using only soft or comforting objects, create a work of art.
Build a “home.” What does home mean to you? This activity will have you create a safe, warm place– it doesn’t have to be practical– that feels like home to you.
Document an experience where you did something you didn’t think you could do. We all have to do things that we’re scared or unsure of sometimes. Use this activity as a chance to commemorate one instance in your life.
Think up a wild invention. This invention should do something that can help make you happier– no matter what that is.
Make a prayer flag. Send your prayers for yourself or those around you out into the universe with this project.
Often, a great way to get to know yourself and your relationships with others is through portraits.
Create a future self-portrait. This drawing or painting should reflect where you see yourself in the future.
Draw a bag self-portrait. On the outside of a paper bag, you’ll create a self-portrait. On the inside, you’ll fill it with things that represent who you are.
Choose the people who matter most to you in life and create unique art for each. This is a great way to acknowledge what really matters to you and express your gratitude.
Draw a portrait of someone who changed your life. If someone has ever helped change your path, for better or worse, draw this person.
Create an image that represents how you think others see you. Then, have someone in the class draw a portrait of you. Compare the results.
Draw yourself as a warrior. Start thinking about yourself as a strong, capable person by drawing yourself as a warrior in this activity.
Create a transformation portrait series. This project will help you to see how you’ve changed over time and represent those changes visually.
Using objects that have meaning to you, create a portrait of yourself.
Create a body image sketch. If you have issues with your self-esteem and body image, this can be an interesting way to see how your perceptions match up with reality.
” You’ll need to figure out what is still cloudy in your own reflection of yourself, drawing a mirror and depicting those elements on paper.
Draw yourself as a superhero. If you could have a superpower what would it be? This project asks you to depict your own image as a superhero with these powers.
Trauma and Unhappiness
These activities will ask you to face some unpleasant aspects of life, but with the goal of overcoming them.
Draw a place where you feel safe. The world can be a scary place but in this project you’ll create a place, draw, painted or sculpted, that makes you feel safe.
Create a mini-diorama. This diorama can showcase an important moment in your life or some trauma that you’ve experienced.
Create a collage of your worries. What worries you in your life? Cut out pictures from magazines to represent these worries.
Draw something that scares you. Everyone is frightened of something and in this project you’ll get a chance to bring that fear to light and hopefully work towards facing it.
Turn your illness into art. Weither its emotionally or Spiritually you can Turn your illness into something beautiful by creating art about it.
Paint a loss in your life. If you’ve lost someone you love or something, paint it. This will help you to remember but also to recover.
Make art that is ephemeral. Sometimes we have a hard time letting go, but this project will teach you that it’s ok if something doesn’t last. Use materials like sand, chalk, paper or water to create art that you will destroy when it’s done.
If you prefer to cut and paste rather than draw or paint, these projects are for you.
Create a motivational collage. You can hang this collage somewhere you’ll see it everyday. Filled with images you find motivating, it’ll help you keep pushing on.
Create a face collage on a mask. We all wear masks of some sort. This project lets you showcase what’s in your mask and the face you put on for the world.
Create a clutter collage. Are there things cluttering up your life? In this project, use words and pictures to show the clutter in your way.
Create a calming collage. Choose images that you find soothing, calming or even meditative and combine them to create an attractive collage that can help you to relax.
Collage a painting. To complete this exercise, you’ll first need to create a simple, abstract painting on paper. Then, tear this painting up and create another. Think about how you felt when you had to tear up the first painting and which you like more.
Examine aspects if who you are and how you see the world through these amazing art projects.
Draw images of your good traits. Creating drawings of your good traits will help you to become more positive and build a better self-image.
Draw yourself as an animal. Is there an animal that you have a special interest in or feel like is a kindred spirit? Draw yourself as that animal.
Create a timeline and draw the most significant moments in your life. This timeline will be the story of your life, with the most important moments highlighted visually.
Put together a jungle animal collage. Choose jungle animals that you find the most interesting, draw them, and then reflect on why you’ve chosen these specific animals.
Sculpt your ideal self. If you could make yourself into the perfect person, what would you look like?
Paint the different sides of yourself. In this project, you’ll paint the different aspects of your personality, giving each a visual representation. You might only have one or two, or maybe even twelve.
Make art around your fingerprints. Your fingerprints are as unique as you are. Use ink and paint to make art that uses your fingerprints.
Draw yourself as a tree. Your roots will be loaded with descriptions of things that give you strength and your good qualities, while your leaves can be the things that you’re trying to change.
Design a fragments box. In this project, you’ll put fragments of yourself into a box, helping construct a whole and happier you.
Paint an important childhood memory. What was a pivotal memory in your childhood? This activity asks you to document it and try to understand why it was so important to you.
Write and illustrate a fairy tale about yourself. If you could put yourself into a happily ever after situation, what role would you play and how would the story go? Create a book that tells the tale.
Design a visual autobiography. This creative journalism project asks you to look back at your life and make a visual representation of it.
Create your own coat of arms. Choose symbols that represent your strengths to build your own special coat of arms.
Draw a comic strip about a funny moment in your life. Enjoy a moment of levity with this exercise that will focus in on a comical even that happened to you.
Build your own website. Websites are very versatile ways to express yourself. Build your own to express what’s most important about you.
Create a box of values. First, collage or paint a box the represents you. Then, place items inside the box that represent the things you value the most.
Here you’ll find a collection of projects that will help you be happy about what you have and express your gratitude for it.
Document your gratitude visually. What things are you grateful for in your life? Paint or collage a work that represents these things.
Create a family tree of strength. This exercise honors those around you who support you. Paint those close to you who offer you the strength you need.
Make something for someone else. Making something for someone else can be a great way to feel good and help someone else do so as well.
Make anchor art. Who are the anchors in your life? In this project, you’ll make an anchor and decorate it with the people and things that provide you stability and strength.
Draw all the positive things in your life. Everyone has at least one good thing in life, so sit down and figure out what makes you happy– then draw it.
Sculpt your hand in plaster. Once it’s dry, write all the good things you can do with it right onto the hand.
Paint a rock. This project is meant to offer you strength. You can approach it in two ways. One option is to paint the rock with things that empower you. The other is to paint it with struggles you overcome.
Write on leaves to create a gratitude tree. What are you grateful for? This project asks you to write those things on leaves to construct a tree or banner of gratitude.
Map out the connections in your life. Draw yourself at the center of this project, then map out how you’re connected to everyone else in your life. It will help make you feel much less alone.
Create a snowflake out of paper. Write ideas about how you are unique on the snowflake.
Build a personal altar. This is a highly personal project that will help connect you with your spiritual side and honor your resilience.
Inside the Mind
Take a look inside your mind to see what’s going on with these projects.
Create a blot art. Like a classic Rorschach test, fold paper in half with paint or ink in the middle and describe what you see.
Map your brain. Make a visual representation of your thoughts to figure out how your mind works.
Make a dream catcher. Having bad dreams? Create this age-old tool for catching your dreams with a few simple tools.
Draw your dreams. You can learn a lot from what goes on in your dreams, so keep a dream journal and use it for inspiration to draw or paint.Express them and ask God for Clarity and Meaning of those dreams.
If you’re still looking for something to empower, help or soothe you, these projects may help.
Use natural materials. Leaves, sticks, dirt, clay and other natural materials can help you get in touch with the natural world and the more primal side of yourself.
Build an archetype. Check out this ,build a set of archetypes, or ideal examples, that can help you explore how you see the world.
Use your body as a canvas. You don’t need paper when you have you body. Paint on your hands and feet or anywhere else to feel more in touch with yourself.
Sculpt spirit figures. Connect with those that have passed on or your own spiritual essence using these sculpted figures.
Make art out of recycled items. You can reuse old items that have meaning to you or just re-purpose something you have laying around. Either way, you’ll get insights into how you can reshape and reevaluate your own life.
Collage or draw on top of old photographs. If you’re uncomfortable using old photos you can make copies, but with this project you’ll draw out one characteristic you see in the person in the photos.
Create your own interpretation of a famous work of art. How would you have painted the Mona Lisa? Using a famous work as your inspiration, create your own work. It could help reveal more about your lens on the world.
Work collaboratively. Art can be better when two work at it together, so find a partner and collaborate on just about anything.
Use a found or made object as a paintbrush. Whether it’s something sharp or something soft, make your own artistic tool and use it to express what you’re feeling.
Make crayon stained glass. Reflect upon your spiritual side with this project that lets you create your own stained glass window.
Paint a window. Windows let you see in and see out. Paint yours with things you want to hide or show to the world.
Funeral Officiant
Package includes-
Grief Counseling provided to the Family of the Deceased. Officiating of Service and Grave site.
-Phone consultation with the family, quickly followed by a visit to them at home.
-Phone consultation with each of the other people involved in the service (other minister, instrumentalist, vocalist, family members sharing tributes, etc.)
-Time spent reviewing notes from family visit and crafting an appropriate memorial, as well as preparation of a message from Scripture.
Veteran Service Officiating
*Package included as mentioned above*
- Funeral Services for Pets
Clergy Services

Support Groups:
Groups are a very effective and affordable way to bring positive change in your life. They are particularly effective in helping with relationship and interpersonal problems, but are also wonderful ways to bring healing to shared problems like Grief and Loss or Anger Management Parenting Social issues, Domestic Violence All come with Materials for everyday use
Fees for Individual and Group Therapy are based on income and ability to pay.
Groups are provided on a donation basis.
No one is turned away for lack of Funds.

Group or individual 1-1 class available
Accelerated Weekend class, up to 12 hours of classes in one weekend (Saturday and Sunday, 9-2pm)
6-week, 12-week, 24-week , depending on what is required by the court
Daytime or Evening classes available, up to 9 pm
Certified facilitators for all classes
Certificate of Completion provided, upon completion of course and full payment
Letter of Enrollment provided for the #of classes for which participant has paid in full
+Intake/Orientation is First Class+ 65.00
4 hours$25.00Start your 4-hour course now
8 hours$45.00Start your 8-hour course now
12 hours$65.00Start your 12-hour course now
16 hours$85.00Start your 16-hour course now
24 hour cancellation policy
+Anger Management Classes
Anger Can have to negatively impact your relationships or career.
With anger management classes, you can learn:
We use the Evidence Based program called, The Deluth Model
Groups are a safe place to talk about feelings with others and find solutions
+Batterer's Intervention Program for Men or Women who use Violence
(This is a 2-hour, once a week class).
Our classes are structured group discussions which include movies, power point presentations, counseling, and interactive activities led by a certified facilitators.
We use the Evidence Based program called, The Deluth Model: Creating a process of change for batterers
We offer a DV risk assessment
We provide Probation Officers/DCFS workers with Quarterly Reports as required
We follow all Department of Probation guidelines and requirements
+ Parenting Classes
We use an Evidence Based Program called, Breakthrough Parenting
We individualize the class to address the age and developmental level of your child or children
The Breakthrough Parenting curriculum covers parenting the newborn through parenting your teenager
In high conflict divorce cases with parental alienation, the court often orders parents to take a co-parenting class or a high conflict parenting class. Participation in these classes give the judge, as well as all family professionals involved, confidence that the parents are able to support their children effectively in the transition through divorce. Our co-parenting and high conflict parenting classes:
Use an Evidence Based program called, Breakthrough Parenting
Help parents learn how to reduce their conflict
Help parents learn how NOT to put their child in the middle of their conflict
Accelerated Weekend class, up to 12 hours of classes in one weekend (Saturday and Sunday, 9-2pm)
6-week, 12-week, 24-week , depending on what is required by the court
Daytime or Evening classes available, up to 9 pm
Certified facilitators for all classes
Certificate of Completion provided, upon completion of course and full payment
Letter of Enrollment provided for the #of classes for which participant has paid in full
+Intake/Orientation is First Class+ 65.00
- Locations: Los Angeles
- We use only Evidence Based Practice for all classes
- Cost: $50 per 1.5 hour class
- Discounts Available
- FREE class session with Coupon
- Discounted Fees for DCFS, Probation, Parole and DMH referred, Unemployed, Students 21 and under
- Special Circumstances Rate: We turn no one away.
- We have applied for Medicare and Medi-Cal and will notify you when we are approved.
- Cash, Check or Credit/Debit Cards accepted
4 hours$25.00Start your 4-hour course now
8 hours$45.00Start your 8-hour course now
12 hours$65.00Start your 12-hour course now
16 hours$85.00Start your 16-hour course now
24 hour cancellation policy
+Anger Management Classes
Anger Can have to negatively impact your relationships or career.
With anger management classes, you can learn:
- How to deal with your anger to improve the quality of your life and your relationships with others
- Relaxation techniques and stress reduction techniques, such as mindfulness based stress reduction
- Effective communication and conflict resolution skills
- How to identify the sources of your anger
- Healthy coping skills
- How to identify the sources of your anger
- Domestic Violence for Men and Women
- Separate classes for men and women
We use the Evidence Based program called, The Deluth Model
Groups are a safe place to talk about feelings with others and find solutions
- Learn about the cycle of violence
- Learn strategies in response to DV
- Learn about the causes of DV
+Batterer's Intervention Program for Men or Women who use Violence
(This is a 2-hour, once a week class).
- Identification of controlling behaviors, education and rehabilitation are paramount in our group sessions
- Groups are culturally sensitive and gender specific. Separate men and women's groups
Our classes are structured group discussions which include movies, power point presentations, counseling, and interactive activities led by a certified facilitators.
We use the Evidence Based program called, The Deluth Model: Creating a process of change for batterers
We offer a DV risk assessment
We provide Probation Officers/DCFS workers with Quarterly Reports as required
We follow all Department of Probation guidelines and requirements
- Topics covered include: nonviolence and nonthreatening behaviors, respect, trust and support, honesty and accountability, responsible parenting, shared responsibility, economic partnership, sexual respect, negotiating and fairness.
+ Parenting Classes
We use an Evidence Based Program called, Breakthrough Parenting
We individualize the class to address the age and developmental level of your child or children
The Breakthrough Parenting curriculum covers parenting the newborn through parenting your teenager
- Learn effective communication skills
- Learn about the new brain research and how you can use it to improve your relationship with your child
- Learn about the importance of attachment and how to create a secure attachment with your child
- Learn what your child's behaviors mean
- Learn how to build healthy self-esteem
- Learn how to teach your child self-control
- Learn how to reduce stress in your family
- Learn how to resolve family conflicts
In high conflict divorce cases with parental alienation, the court often orders parents to take a co-parenting class or a high conflict parenting class. Participation in these classes give the judge, as well as all family professionals involved, confidence that the parents are able to support their children effectively in the transition through divorce. Our co-parenting and high conflict parenting classes:
Use an Evidence Based program called, Breakthrough Parenting
Help parents learn how to reduce their conflict
Help parents learn how NOT to put their child in the middle of their conflict
- Help parents focus on the child's feelings about what is happening in their family
- Help parents deal with their child's loyalty conflicts
- Help parents learn effective communication skill
- Help parents to address their feelings of grief and loss

Want to save, understand, or improve your relationships,in work and home? this dynamic workshop (relationship workshop) will provide you with what you need. Finally, a workshop that will help you with your relationship and provide "realistic expectations and understand,
(includes: 4 (couple) sessions, 2 full assessments, 27-page personalized EQi assessment that includes 133 questions on 16 areas of your emotional well-being that will assist you in understanding and managing your anger within your relationship and will enhance your personal development and improve your relationships at work and home.
(includes: 4 (couple) sessions, 2 full assessments, 27-page personalized EQi assessment that includes 133 questions on 16 areas of your emotional well-being that will assist you in understanding and managing your anger within your relationship and will enhance your personal development and improve your relationships at work and home.
Counseling / Coaching For:
- Marriage
- Newlywed
- Premarital
- Relationship Repair
- Dating
- FamilyFamily / Marital
- Parenting
- Blended Family
- Codependency
- Emotional Dependency
- 1-on-1 Relationship
- Couple
- Group (for couples, family, for women or men groups, etc.)
- Parenting Classes
- Retreats (Couple retreat arenting Classes
- Retreats (Couple retreats, family retreats, etc.)
- Relationship Courses
- Relationship Workshops
- Relationship Seminars
- Girls / Boys Night Out
- Couples Night Out
- Siblings Night Out
- Family Night Out
- Individual Counseling
- Certified Domestic Violence Classes
- Anger Management
- Parenting Classes
- Family Counseling
- Couples Counseling
- Life Skills
- Drug Education
- And other services
- Weekly Group Sessions Offered+Materials Are Provided+ s, family retreats, etc.
- Relationship Courses
- Relationship Workshops
- Relationship Seminars
- Girls / Boys Night Out
- Couples Night Out
- Siblings Night Out
- Family Night Out
- Individual Counseling
- Certified Domestic Violence Classes
- Anger Management
- Parenting Classes
- Family Counseling
- Couples Counseling
- Life Skills
- Drug Education
- And other services
- Weekly Group Sessions Offered
- Materials Are Provided